Saturday, February 19

Changes - they are a'comin'.

Well, I don't want to get into specifics here. I'd like to keep my personal life at least a little bit personal.

In any case, I'm moving out of my current place of residence. I'm not sure exactly of the details, where I'll end up in the long term, but for now - tomorrow - I'm moving in to my "twin" Karens spare room. I've spent since Friday afternoon packing and cleaning and wow.. is it emotional.

It's weird, I've only lived here for a year and a few months but this was probably the most 'home-y' my house has ever been. I've never really been the put-pictures-on-the-wall and have-vases-of-fresh-flowers kinda girl but I have to say, this is probably the most comfortable I've ever been.

Not only that but Steven has been such a huge part of my life for so long now. It's going to be weird not knowing how he's doing. Things haven't been great between us for a long time, but I'm going to be worried about him, and I will miss him.

I'm concerned about money, on top of all that. I have lots.. and LOTS of debt.. I'm not really sure how I'm going to manage to save for bond, and all the stuff you need for a new house. Karen and her boyfriend are fantastic and I doubt they'd throw me out but I don't want to overstay my welcome. I hate to beg, but if you had ever intended clicking the "feed me" button - now is the time.

Anyway, just thought I'd put a quick message up to say I might not blog too often [no real change there] for the next few weeks while I figure my shit out. That said, I might blog 10x as much because I'm lonely.. I guess we'll see.

xx. A.

Wednesday, February 16

10 Reasons Why I Hate Facebook.

Disclaimer: Please don't get offended if you commit any of the crimes 1-10 and are on my friends list. The majority of these things only annoy me if I'm already in a bad mood [which, granted, happens a lot... lol] and really it's not up to you or anyone else to censor yourself on your own Facebook. This is just a bit of a rant to help me stay sane.. :P

Anyway, without further ado:

10 reasons I freaking abhor Facebook:

1.  The millions and zillions of updates by my cousins/younger people on my friends list/people in general who seem to have nothing better to do that are simply them "liking" things like -- "Like this status if your name starts with A, C, D, E, F, G, K, L, N, O, P, V, W, X, Y, Z" or "I hate that I love you", or something equally as stupid/frustrating.

2.  The updates by new parents/not working parents who seem to think everyone on their friends list cares that their child has pooped 3 times, today.

3. Invites to causes like "Stop Child Abuse in Australia". Don't get me wrong, child abuse disgusts me but HOW THE FORK does me joining a group on Facebook do anything but spam and annoy the people on my friends list?

4. The emo status updates that go down like this: "I'm so sad and lonely, goddamn, nobody loves me. Comment or text me if you actually give a damn about me." I'm sorry, but even if I DID give a damn if you killed yourself [I don't] I wouldn't text or comment you except maybe to call you a sad, stupid little girl/boy. Blatant attention seeking like this leads me to believe that you need to be slapped, not rewarded. It'd be like patting a dog after it peed on my bed. I'm sorry you're sad, really I am - we've all been there - but things like "comment or text if you actually give a damn about me"? Damn, girl.. you need to be less of a Stephen King psychopath.

5. While we're on the topic of emo status updates, anything talking about how bad your life is. I'm sorry, but when you're healthy, employed/going to school, living at home with practically no expenses whatsoever -- your life is awesome and you need to grow the fork up and stop being such a spoilt, unappreciative brat. Don't get me wrong, I've made my fair share of emo posts in my time but I've also had Cancer.. so I think my emo was well deserved.

6. Any photo with poorly photoshopped motos/sayings/lyrics on them. I'm sorry but really, people? And if you absolutely MUST do it, for the love of god at least get the your/you're or their/there/they're you're using right! FFS!

7. Mass Messages. I do not give a damn what the reason for it is, I don't want it. I don't care if I could win $1,000,000.00 from reading it, it isn't worth the next 5 weeks of facebook notifications that are simply stupid people replying saying "oh that's great, btw how are you?" or something along those lines that I frankly don't give a flying fork about.

8. "Secret" statuses. I don't care what colour your bra is, where you keep your bag or what your relationship status is. And by the way NOBODY ELSE DOES, EITHER. Posting the colour of your bra doesn't raise breast cancer awareness - it just makes you sound like a slut. Telling us where your bag is doesn't .. do whatever it was supposed to do.. it just makes you SOUND like a slut. And putting a random alcoholic beverage in your status to symbolise your relationship status is equally as stupid -- for one thing, we can SEE your relationship status in the details of your profile.. and for two, what does an alcoholic beverage of ANY kind have to do with ANYONES relationship status unless being-a-drunk-whore-and-going-home-with-anyone-who'll-have-you is included in there, as a nice little heads up to the guys on your facebook friends list. Seriously!

9. The awkwardness when someone you don't like/is friends with a friend of yours/your parents/brothers/whatever but you don't really KNOW them, adds you. I feel super bad saying no to the request but at the same time I don't actually give a damn about them and now I'm going to have to listen to them do things-I-hate 1-8 everyday, over and over..

10. The fact that facebook is freaking addictive. I could get rid of all the above annoyances if I just left facebook or deleted the people who commit crimes 1-9... but I'm so curious! I'd rather know about the evil than leave and wonder.. it's like a train wreck.. it's horrible and gory and people are screaming and dying all over the place, but I can't.. look.. . away. GAH.

xx. A.

Sunday, February 13

Busy life is busy!!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't written for the entire month of February! My dad just sent me a Facebook message saying "How's it going" so I guess that means I am more than overdue for a new blog!

Soooo, life! I've been slowly recovering from the trauma placed on my body last year. I'm getting every cold, flu, infection, etc under the sun, but I'm also -- very slowly -- starting to have more energy, having less 15-hour-sleep marathons, starting to get out and do things with my friends.. honestly? I'm feeling great!

I made a promise to myself, toward the end of my radiation, that I was going to start to 'live life' more than I ever have. And while I've definitely been taking it one step at a time, I'd like to think I've been having a fairly solid crack at it!

I've been working almost everyday [with the exception of staying home to nurse whatever cold, flu, infection, etc my lack-of-immune-system hasn't protected me from this week] which has led to me feeling a lot more productive and pulled me out of the almost-depression I was in. My work life is amazing. I love my boss, I love my job. I love the people who work with me [mostly..]. I feel as though this is a place where I fit in, and I am appreciated. Some days I have to drag myself out of bed, force myself to shower and almost crawl to the bus stop, but by midday - after an hour or two - I feel better just for BEING there and DOING something other than sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself and whatever illness I have this week.

I've also been getting out a lot! Last weekend I stayed at my twin, Karens house and had an absolute blast. Hours upon hours of shoe/clothes shopping [I managed to not buy anything, but I lovelovelove being a fashion consultant! haha] in a mall that is quite literally bigger than my hometown. Lots of geeking out. AIR CONDITIONING. Sushi Train, Wagamamas, MEXICAN FOOD! Seriously, this woman feeds me better than any person on the planet ever has [except maybe my dad, who makes a wicked baked dinner].

This weekend I went to a BBQ at Karens boyfriends sisters, who I'll be house sitting for while they all abandon me in favour of a 2 week cruise to New Zealand and back! I'm really looking forward to it because - once again - AIR CONDITIONING! woohoo! haha. But yeah, BBQ was amazing - great food, great wine, great company! We ended the night off watching a few episodes of The Mentalist and playing a spot of WoW.

Then, last night I went to the Albion Comedy Club for Karlees birthday. One of the comedians was only 17 or so and was discussing the various rites of passage into manhood among different cultures. He joked that last week he had opened a jar of salsa in ONE TWIST and therefore, among Australians, was now a man. I almost wet myself. Maybe you had to be there. Anyway it was going quite well and I was enjoying a fabulous meal of Beef and Guineas [spelling?] pie, mashed potato & salad, when the power to the ENTIRE BLOCK went out! We waited about 45 minutes and the room gradually got hotter and hotter to the point where makeup was literally running down peoples faces in little rainbow rivulets. Eventually the announcer got up and said that the show had to be cancelled but gave everyone free tickets to come back another night. All in all, not too bad and I got 2 tickets when I had only originally paid for 1. Score!

Anyway this blog has definitely been all over the place. I'm off to do a bit of cleaning seeing as my room was spotless last weekend and in just 5 days is covered in clothes again.. typical. Anyway, here are some pictures from the last few weeks!

xx. A.