Monday, October 11

Things I like.

I am so completely annoyed and angry right now that I have decided to take a page out of the amazing lady Oprahs book and write about stuff I like in hopes of being less annoyed and angry, and also to stop myself from writing something I don't mean or will regret at a later date.

I like rain.
I like the smell of it, especially if grass (not mine since I live in an apartment) has been cut recently, so you get that fresh-grass-rain-summer'y smell and it's just divine.
I like the sound of it - the heavier the better. When I was having problems sleeping I even went so far as to download an application for my phone that simply plays the sound of a storm and it really did help.

I like getting out of the shower on a hot day and sitting around in a towel, under the fan, just relaxing.
I like how my hair feels on my shoulders and back when it's still damp and cool.

I like laying in bed, listening to my music with my eyes closed. It's like everything else fades away and all I can feel is the beat.
I like music a lot, actually. I love how it can completely change a bad mood into a good one.
I like how certain songs can take me back to specific moments in my life -- so completely. I have songs for all sorts of things, events, people..
I really like 80s music.

I like buying things. Faaaaaaaaar too much.
In particular, I like buying make up. I like applying makeup and wearing makeup, but mostly I just love buying/owning it.
I also like buying stationary (and stationary in general, not just buying it). I would blame being in administration for it, but I really do have a sick sort of fetish for it. Nothing makes me happier than finding a purple glittery stapler to match my purple glittery holepunch.

I like getting mail. I'm contemplating getting a PO box and joining one of those communities that just send letters to eachother. It makes me so happy!

I like pink, and purple, and silver. It doesn't even matter what the thing is, I will automatically like it about 10x better just by it being one of those colours. 20x more if it's a combination of them. Sparkles or glitter adds another 10x, too.

I like video games.
I like the fact that there is a number of very specific things that I need to do to get better at them and if I am persistant I will eventually get what I want.
I like that if I make 300 bandages I will max out my first aid skill, and I'll never have to worry about being sick or hurt again.
I like that I can pick what I look like, and change it if I get bored.
I like that I can pick a role in life (one that is very specific and comes with instructions) and if I get bored, I can start again -- from scratch -- with no baggage or debt.

I also like shooting zombies. A lot.

I like sleep ins.
I like having bacon and eggs in the morning after a sleep in, because it reminds me of my dad cooking Christmas breakfasts, which were always my favorite part of that holiday.
I like snuggling up in bed and completely destroying the blanket (something I have been repeatedly told off for by partners), tucking it up under my feet and curling it around me like a little coocoon, pulling some up to my chest to cuddle and simultaneously use as a pillow.

This hasn't made my mood any better but it has made me want to go snuggle up in bed with my iPod, so I think that's what I'm going to go do.

xx. A.

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