Tuesday, November 16


I've written about it before but at this point I really don't care if I'm repeating myself. Sleep sucks.

I feel like it's this cruel cycle -- I'm getting sicker because I'm not sleeping, but I can't sleep because I'm sick.

I can't lay down flat or my lungs fill up [with gunk, not air, which is what you'd want them to fill up with] and I can't breathe, on top of which they make these terrible noises you can hear from the next room so I have to all but sit up [which is fun, by the way, with only 1 pillow - I've been using my dressing gown as an additional prop]. IF -- and that's a huuuuuuge if, by the way -- I manage to get in a position where my body can even comprehend sleep I end up coughing myself awake before I even pass the 'dozing' stage. I'm constantly running these insane temperatures so I'll just break into a flopsweat from time to time which is fantastic when I literally only own one set of sheets.

It's funny because I've spent so much time in bed the last four or five days, but if I added it up I'd guess I've slept maybe 6 hours? Don't get me wrong, I was there with the intention of sleep and my eyes have been closed [for the most part], it's just.. not happening.

I feel almost delerious at this point, to be honest. I'm at the point where I've had just bits and pieces of sleep -- almost, like glimpses of sleep through a mirror -- and my body is already so exhausted and working so hard trying to handle the radiation and breaking down the cancer and then my chest infection on top of that, that a lack of sleep is just sending me into a tailspin.

The worst part of all this is I've lost my voice - it's literally gone. All I have is a squeak at the end of some words. I'd never really and truly lost my voice before so it was really funny for me the first day or two but now it's just frustrating.

Anyway, I'm handling it. I always handle it. I just thought I'd duck my head in here and let you all know I'm still alive. I was planning on waiting until I got better to start writing again because my head is so mushy and I didn't want to be subjecting the internet to my current state, but I think at this point it's clear I'm not going to get better anytime soon so I'm back for better or for worse, and I apologize in advance for rambling or terrible posts that come as a result of that.

xx. A.

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