Sunday, January 2


So, music is a big part of my life. I always have my iPod/phone with me, I'm usually listening to something if I'm at my computer.. I have quite literally had an argument in my head, with myself, about whether I should watch an episode of something and lost the argument because I'm enjoying listening to my music too much to turn it off for a simple TV show.

I've always been the kind of person who listens to a song once and knows it off by heart, which has been a huge note of pride in the song of my life, by the way. Unfortunately, part of that 'gift' is that I become obsessed with songs after just one listen - sometimes it doesnt even take that first listen. It can just be a few lines from a verse, or a catchy chorus, either way, I'm hooked. I'm not shy about sharing my taste in music - since I was very young I've been known by my friends as a Shameless Pop Princess and I live up to that title very well, I'd like to think.

My newest obsession though, is something even I wouldn't have picked for myself. It's from an 'artist' I -- until recently -- had probably listened voluntarily maybe TWICE, ever. While she definitely sits solidly in the "Pop Musician" category I've just never been a fan. And when I say 'obsession' I mean I downloaded this song from iTunes last night at around 10pm and since then -- according to iTunes -- have listened to it over 40 times..

I want to believe a large part of my obsession is to do with how freaking adorable/hilarious the videoclip is but I guess I'll leave that judgement upto you. I give you, ladies and gentlemen, California Gurls - Katy Perry.

I know a place, where the grass is really greener.. Warm, wet and wild, there must be something in the water..

I offer no apology!
xx. A.

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