Saturday, February 19

Changes - they are a'comin'.

Well, I don't want to get into specifics here. I'd like to keep my personal life at least a little bit personal.

In any case, I'm moving out of my current place of residence. I'm not sure exactly of the details, where I'll end up in the long term, but for now - tomorrow - I'm moving in to my "twin" Karens spare room. I've spent since Friday afternoon packing and cleaning and wow.. is it emotional.

It's weird, I've only lived here for a year and a few months but this was probably the most 'home-y' my house has ever been. I've never really been the put-pictures-on-the-wall and have-vases-of-fresh-flowers kinda girl but I have to say, this is probably the most comfortable I've ever been.

Not only that but Steven has been such a huge part of my life for so long now. It's going to be weird not knowing how he's doing. Things haven't been great between us for a long time, but I'm going to be worried about him, and I will miss him.

I'm concerned about money, on top of all that. I have lots.. and LOTS of debt.. I'm not really sure how I'm going to manage to save for bond, and all the stuff you need for a new house. Karen and her boyfriend are fantastic and I doubt they'd throw me out but I don't want to overstay my welcome. I hate to beg, but if you had ever intended clicking the "feed me" button - now is the time.

Anyway, just thought I'd put a quick message up to say I might not blog too often [no real change there] for the next few weeks while I figure my shit out. That said, I might blog 10x as much because I'm lonely.. I guess we'll see.

xx. A.


SkokoNicci said...

You can always try a LDR thing with him. You can talk to him through skype and facebook.

stef said...

babe just always remember: You may not be rich in dollars and cents but you will ALWAYS be a millionaire in friends and love!!
Just like every other mountain you have ever been made to climb, this one is hard and it hurts but you have us all right behind you ready and waiting to give you a little nudge up if you shall need xoxoox

remember anytime ok xoxoxox