Tuesday, October 19

Just another manic Monday.

I feel like Garfield everytime I write anything about Mondays and how much I hate them. Even if I don't mean all Mondays and just that particular Monday at all, it just feels as though I'm being so incredibly cliche and so, inevitably, I end up backspacing and leaving it be.

Yesterday, however, was a pretty tough day so I'm not going to backspace. I got my lab results back from last week and in the four weeks that I've been having treatment there has only been a 4% reduction which pretty much means it will definitely be going for the full 12 weeks and not the 8 I had hoped for.

I'm disappointed, I won't lie. I'm struggling -- but I'll manage. I have thus far, and even though I feel as though I am as stretched as thin as I can possibly go, I'm sure there's 8 more weeks in me, somewhere.

xx. A.

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