Monday, October 25

The Pail List - Part 2.

So I spent the bus ride home today re-reading my Pail List [I thought I forgot my headphones and today was literally the Slowest Day Ever because of it, and then I got home and realised they were in my pocket all along.. gah] and I've thought of a few more to add to it.

The Pail List - Part 2

11 - Donate to Locks of Love. I think this is a particularly gorgeous charity and even though I love having long hair I figure, it'll grow back. Some of the kids I see everyday at the Oncology ward are just so bright and cheery and even though they have it 10 times worse than me they even try to cheer me up from time to time [apparently I'm just a little ray of sunshine haha].
12 - Go to the beach! I've lived in sunny Brisbane for 11 months now and I still haven't been to the Gold Coast or any beach at all for that matter.
13 - Go on an overseas Holiday. I'm not really sure where yet but I'd like for it to be either somewhere tropical where I can lay on a beach and sip cocktails or somewhere reallllly cold with snow and skiing and all that fun stuff!
14 - Finish my Degree. I'm not even sure I want to teach anymore. I feel like I'm meant to do something more significant, although maybe that's just me being weird. Even so, I want to have that shiney piece of paper. It's a milestone I've always imagined I'd pass in life.
15. Get a motorbike license!

I suspect this list is going to get long, fast. Maybe I'll cap it out at 100? I don't know. I'm tired now though, who would have thought sitting on your ass/sleeping as much as I do could be so exhausting!? Phew!

xx. A.

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